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Cash Upgrades are Upgrades bought with cash. Each upgrade multiplies specific profits of a single business or every business. These upgrades will always need to be purchased again after claiming angels without gold.

Name Business Price Description Reference Shiny Buckles Moon Shoe MD.png 332.5 thousand Moon Shoe profit x3 Soft Soulful Music Gravity Booth MD.png 665 thousand Gravity Booth profit x3 Open Late Payday Clone MD.png 1.33 million Payday Clone profit x3 Dark Matter Engines Moon Express MD.png 6.65 million Moon Express profit x3 Reference to Futurama, where spaceships use dark matter as combustible. Moon Beverages Oxygen Bar MD.png 13.3 million Oxygen Bar profit x3 Benevolent AIs Helium-3 Farm MD.png 33.25 million Helium-3 Farm profit x3 Crackers Cheese Mine MD.png 1.665 billion Cheese Mine profit x3 Low Gravity Mascots Amusement Park MD.png 133 billion Amusement Park profit x3 Fresh Meat Werewolf Colony MD.png 665 billion Werewolf Colony profit x3 Mini-Clone Assistants Giant Laser MD.png 3.3 trillion Giant Laser profit x3 Air Filters All businesses MD.png 10 trillion All profits x9 Limited Warranties Moon Shoe MD.png 30 trillion Moon Shoe profit x3 More Colors Gravity Booth MD.png 70 trillion Gravity Booth profit x3 Friendly-Gene Splicing Payday Clone MD.png 150 trillion Payday Clone profit x3 Sarcastic Robot Moon Express MD.png 275 trillion Moon Express profit x3 Bender from the show Futurama Cushy Barstools Oxygen Bar MD.png 433 trillion Oxygen Bar profit x3 Crash-Proof Harvesters Helium-3 Farm MD.png 266 trillion Helium-3 Farm profit x3 Tea Cheese Mine MD.png 665 trillion Cheese Mine profit x3 Trampoline Land Amusement Park MD.png 931 trillion Amusement Park profit x3 Brush Kiosks Werewolf Colony MD.png 2 quadrillion Werewolf Colony profit x3 Underground Lair Giant Laser MD.png 3 quadrillion Giant Laser profit x3 Monorail To Earth All businesses MD.png 7 quadrillion All profits x9 Luna Kahuna MD.png 13 quadrillion Angel Investor effectiveness + 1% Almoond Milk All businesses MD.png 500 quintillion All profits x9 Cleat Upgrades Moon Shoe MD.png 26 sextillion Moon Shoe profit x3 Mars Gravity Setting Gravity Booth MD.png 67 sextillion Gravity Booth profit x3 Celebrity DNA Samples Payday Clone MD.png 93 sextillion Payday Clone profit x3 Adorable Fuel Generator Moon Express MD.png 133 sextillion Moon Express profit x3 Nibbler from Futurama Memorable Jingle Oxygen Bar MD.png 266 sextillion Oxygen Bar profit x3 Particle Shovels Helium-3 Farm MD.png 465 sextillion Helium-3 Farm profit x3 Biscuits Cheese Mine MD.png 665 sextillion Cheese Mine profit x3 Moon Merchandise Amusement Park MD.png 997 sextillion Amusement Park profit x3 Flea Bath Spas Werewolf Colony MD.png 2 septillion Werewolf Colony profit x3 Abundant Henchmen Giant Laser MD.png 3 septillion Giant Laser profit x3 Lake Armstrong Install All businesses MD.png 10 septillion All profits x9 An artificial lake on the moon in Star Trek Heavenly Glow MD.png 20 septillion Angel Investor effectiveness + 1% High Heel Extensions Moon Shoe MD.png 5 nonillion Moon Shoe profit x3 Fresh Air Simulator Gravity Booth MD.png 10 nonillion Gravity Booth profit x3 Fancy Hats Payday Clone MD.png 20 nonillion Payday Clone profit x3 Questionable Staff Doctor Moon Express MD.png 40 nonillion Moon Express profit x3 Dr Zoidberg from Futurama Moon Pretzels Oxygen Bar MD.png 160 nonillion Oxygen Bar profit x3 Lunar Almanac Helium-3 Farm MD.png 280 nonillion Helium-3 Farm profit x3 Farmer's Almanac, a long-running publication Crumpets Cheese Mine MD.png 500 nonillion Cheese Mine profit x3 Sassy Security Guards Amusement Park MD.png 690 nonillion Amusement Park profit x3 Basketball Team Werewolf Colony MD.png 725 nonillion Werewolf Colony profit x3 Teen Wolf (1985) (Film) Hat Shurikens Giant Laser MD.png 833 nonillion Giant Laser profit x3 Oddjob's Hat

(James Bond - Goldfinger)

Anti-Radiation Pills All businesses MD.png 975 nonillion All profits x9 Halle-Luna! MD.png 4 decillion Angel Investor effectiveness + 1% Lead Toed Moon Shoe MD.png 9 decillion Moon Shoe profit x3 Bigger On The Inside Gravity Booth MD.png 20 decillion Gravity Booth profit x3 The Tardis from Doctor Who War-Ready Options Payday Clone MD.png 100 decillion Payday Clone profit x3 Wise Janitor Moon Express MD.png 200 decillion Moon Express profit x3 Scruffy from Futurama Pub Food Oxygen Bar MD.png 421 decillion Oxygen Bar profit x3 Arts And Crafts Helium-3 Farm MD.png 655 decillion Helium-3 Farm profit x3 Scones Cheese Mine MD.png 825 decillion Cheese Mine profit x3 Space Food Amusement Park MD.png 5 undecillion Amusement Park profit x3 Angsty Teens Werewolf Colony MD.png 25 undecillion Werewolf Colony profit x3 Twilight, book and film series Chubby Hitmen Giant Laser MD.png 50 undecillion Giant Laser profit x3 Objectivist Rhetoric All businesses MD.png 100 undecillion All profits x9 Automatic Laces Moon Shoe MD.png 75 duodecillion Moon Shoe profit x5 Back to the Future (1985) (Film) Idiot Proofing Gravity Booth MD.png 210 duodecillion Gravity Booth profit x5 Over Night Delivery Payday Clone MD.png 353 duodecillion Payday Clone profit x5 Shiny Metal Assets Moon Express MD.png 635 duodecillion Moon Express profit x5 Variant on a catchphrase of Bender from Futurama Comfortable Stools Oxygen Bar MD.png 900 duodecillion Oxygen Bar profit x5 Conspiracy Deterrent Helium-3 Farm MD.png 9 tredecillion Helium-3 Farm profit x5 Cucumber Sandwiches Cheese Mine MD.png 22 tredecillion Cheese Mine profit x5 Low-G High-Cal Treats Amusement Park MD.png 60 tredecillion Amusement Park profit x5 Team Jacobi Methoc Werewolf Colony MD.png 132 tredecillion Werewolf Colony profit x5 "Team Jacob" was a set of the Twilight fandom while awaiting the release of the final book. Jacob was a werewolf.

The Jacobi Method is used in numerical linear algebra.

Evil Laugh Track Giant Laser MD.png 367 tredecillion Giant Laser profit x5 Trademarked All businesses MD.png 1 quattuordecillion All profits x9 New Moon All businesses MD.png 1 sexdecillion All profits x9 One of the phases of the lunar cycle.

The title of the second book in the Twilight series.

Among The Stars MD.png 1 septendecillion Angel Investor effectiveness + 3% Racing Stripes Moon Shoe MD.png 18 septendecillion Moon Shoe profit x3 Ocean Sounds Gravity Booth MD.png 6 septendecillion Gravity Booth profit x3 Regenerating Limbs Payday Clone MD.png 79 septendecillion Payday Clone profit x3 Dark Matter Litterbox Moon Express MD.png 110 septendecillion Moon Express profit x3 Nibbler from Futurama poops dark matter (which is used as fuel on the ship) Happy Hour Oxygen Bar MD.png 220 septendecillion Oxygen Bar profit x3 Comm Jammers Helium-3 Farm MD.png 399 septendecillion Helium-3 Farm profit x3 Novelty Slicers Cheese Mine MD.png 666 septendecillion Cheese Mine profit x3 Security Drones Amusement Park MD.png 911 septendecillion Amusement Park profit x3 September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S. Howl Festival Werewolf Colony MD.png 4 novemdecillion Werewolf Colony profit x3 ZAP! Giant Laser MD.png 25 novemdecillion Giant Laser profit x3 Blue Filter All businesses MD.png 112 novemdecillion All profits x9 Wifi Upgrade Moon Shoe MD.png 200 novemdecillion Moon Shoe profit x3 Double Wide Edition Gravity Booth MD.png 356 novemdecillion Gravity Booth profit x3 Fancy Suits Payday Clone MD.png 518 novemdecillion Payday Clone profit x3 Deflector Dishes Moon Express MD.png 766 novemdecillion Moon Express profit x3 Snarky Shrink Oxygen Bar MD.png 3 duovigintillion Oxygen Bar profit x3 Buggalo Fences Helium-3 Farm MD.png 6 duovigintillion Helium-3 Farm profit x3 Buggalo are large spotted insects farmed like cattle in the show Futurama. However, these creatures inhabited Mars (they also bear a similarity to Buggles in Mars mission) Comfy Blanket Cheese Mine MD.png 12 duovigintillion Cheese Mine profit x3 Staff Indoctrination Amusement Park MD.png 50 duovigintillion Amusement Park profit x3 Bacon Treats Werewolf Colony MD.png 212 duovigintillion Werewolf Colony profit x3 Robot Voice Giant Laser MD.png 367 duovigintillion Giant Laser profit x3 Easy Mooney All businesses MD.png 1 tresvigintillion All profits x9 Wheelie Upgrades Moon Shoe MD.png 25 quattuorvigintillion Moon Shoe profit x3 Family Accommodations Gravity Booth MD.png 60 quattuorvigintillion Gravity Booth profit x3 Narcissis Implants Payday Clone MD.png 177 quattuorvigintillion Payday Clone profit x3 Insurance Insurance Moon Express MD.png 239 quattuorvigintillion Moon Express profit x3 Free Peanuts Oxygen Bar MD.png 432 quattuorvigintillion Oxygen Bar profit x3 Cow Catchers Helium-3 Farm MD.png 801 quattuorvigintillion Helium-3 Farm profit x3 Assorted Jams Cheese Mine MD.png 2 quinvigintillion Cheese Mine profit x3 Free Oxygen Amusement Park MD.png 8 quinvigintillion Amusement Park profit x3 Anti-Flea Collars Werewolf Colony MD.png 22 quinvigintillion Werewolf Colony profit x3 Multi-coloured Death Giant Laser MD.png 59 quinvigintillion Giant Laser profit x3 Crescent Hats All businesses MD.png 444 quinvigintillion All profits x9 Rank And File MD.png 3 sexvigintillion Angel Investor effectiveness + 3% Hush Doggies Moon Shoe MD.png 12 septenvigintillion Moon Shoe profit x3 Sun Simulator Gravity Booth MD.png 24 septenvigintillion Gravity Booth profit x3 Perma-smiles Payday Clone MD.png 48 septenvigintillion Payday Clone profit x3 Refreshing Zlurm! Moon Express MD.png 96 septenvigintillion Moon Express profit x3 Zlurm is a parody of Slurm from Futurama Air Fresheners Oxygen Bar MD.png 192 septenvigintillion Oxygen Bar profit x3 Robot Roosters Helium-3 Farm MD.png 384 septenvigintillion Helium-3 Farm profit x3 Doilies Cheese Mine MD.png 968 septenvigintillion Cheese Mine profit x3 2 For 1 Days Amusement Park MD.png 15 octovigintillion Amusement Park profit x3 Carbon Fiber Combs Werewolf Colony MD.png 35 octovigintillion Werewolf Colony profit x3 Escape Proof Ropes Giant Laser MD.png 100 octovigintillion Giant Laser profit x3 Crater Tourism All businesses MD.png 1 novemvigintillion All profits x9 Astronaut Editions Moon Shoe MD.png 100 novemvigintillion Moon Shoe profit x5 Rotating Doors Gravity Booth MD.png 200 novemvigintillion Gravity Booth profit x5 Loyalty Detectors Payday Clone MD.png 300 novemvigintillion Payday Clone profit x5 Trusty Dog Moon Express MD.png 400 novemvigintillion Moon Express profit x5 Seymour from Futurama Authentic O2 Oxygen Bar MD.png 500 novemvigintillion Oxygen Bar profit x5 Flashy Overalls Helium-3 Farm MD.png 600 novemvigintillion Helium-3 Farm profit x5 4-Ever-Sharp Slicers Cheese Mine MD.png 700 novemvigintillion Cheese Mine profit x5 Ubiquitous Travellators Amusement Park MD.png 800 novemvigintillion Amusement Park profit x5 Industrial Strength Curlers Werewolf Colony MD.png 900 novemvigintillion Werewolf Colony profit x5 Beeping Dial-Thingys Giant Laser MD.png 999 novemvigintillion Giant Laser profit x5 Moon Madness All businesses MD.png 5 trigintillion All profits x9 Novelty Tongues Moon Shoe MD.png 10 trigintillion Moon Shoe profit x3 Anti-Doll-Lack Devices Gravity Booth MD.png 20 trigintillion Gravity Booth profit x3 The Daleks are an enemy the show Doctor Who. Height Adjusters Payday Clone MD.png 55 trigintillion Payday Clone profit x3 Renew Canceled Contracts Moon Express MD.png 90 trigintillion Moon Express profit x3 Pillow Lounges Oxygen Bar MD.png 180 trigintillion Oxygen Bar profit x3 Extra Red Barns Helium-3 Farm MD.png 400 trigintillion Helium-3 Farm profit x3 Fancy Mining Helmets Cheese Mine MD.png 750 trigintillion Cheese Mine profit x3 All The Parades Amusement Park MD.png 2 untrigintillion Amusement Park profit x3 K-9 Dentistry Werewolf Colony MD.png 4 untrigintillion Werewolf Colony profit x3 Even More Henchmen Giant Laser MD.png 14 untrigintillion Giant Laser profit x3 Moon The Earth Day All businesses MD.png 50 untrigintillion All profits x9 MPS Trackers Moon Shoe MD.png 400 untrigintillion Moon Shoe profit x3 Probably "Master Production Schedule" Skylights Gravity Booth MD.png 700 untrigintillion Gravity Booth profit x3 Cloned Cloners Payday Clone MD.png 1 duotrigintillion Payday Clone profit x3 Discounted Pizza Delivery Moon Express MD.png 3 duotrigintillion Moon Express profit x3 Broken Jukebox Oxygen Bar MD.png 19 duotrigintillion Oxygen Bar profit x3 Superflous Silos Helium-3 Farm MD.png 55 duotrigintillion Helium-3 Farm profit x3 Mice Focus Groups Cheese Mine MD.png 123 duotrigintillion Cheese Mine profit x3 Low Gravity Child Care Amusement Park MD.png 200 duotrigintillion Amusement Park profit x3 PACK Meetings Werewolf Colony MD.png 600 duotrigintillion Werewolf Colony profit x3 The Cub Scouts are an club organization for young boys, similar to the Boy Scouts. They refer to their chapters as "Packs" and when they meet, it is a "Pack Meeting". Laserproof Lasers Giant Laser MD.png 888 duotrigintillion Giant Laser profit x3 Moon Hats For All All businesses MD.png 1 tretrigintillion All profits x9 Now In Black Moon Shoe MD.png 5 tretrigintillion Moon Shoe profit x3 Wheelchair Accessible Gravity Booth MD.png 25 tretrigintillion Gravity Booth profit x3 Clone App Payday Clone MD.png 125 tretrigintillion Payday Clone profit x3 Captain's Boots Moon Express MD.png 625 tretrigintillion Moon Express profit x3 Leela, from Futurama, is the captain of the Planet Express ship and is known for her iconic boots. Extra Bubbles Oxygen Bar MD.png 3 quattuortrigintillion Oxygen Bar profit x3 A Hoe Helium-3 Farm MD.png 5 quattuortrigintillion Helium-3 Farm profit x3 Coffee Breaks Cheese Mine MD.png 65 quattuortrigintillion Cheese Mine profit x3 Earth Land Amusement Park MD.png 246 quattuortrigintillion Amusement Park profit x3 Discount Aerial Discs Werewolf Colony MD.png 500 quattuortrigintillion Werewolf Colony profit x3 Recycled Photons Giant Laser MD.png 808 quattuortrigintillion Giant Laser profit x3 Pep Talks All businesses MD.png 1 quintrigintillion All profits x9 Air Aldrins Moon Shoe MD.png 2 quintrigintillion Moon Shoe profit x3 Air Jordans are a popular line of shoes sponsored by Michael Jordan. Air Aldrins would be sponsored by astronaut Buzz Aldrin instead. Free Companions Gravity Booth MD.png 4 quintrigintillion Gravity Booth profit x3 The main supporting characters in Doctor Who are referred to as 'companions'. Open 672 Hours Payday Clone MD.png 8 quintrigintillion Payday Clone profit x3 The length of a Moon day (a single rotation) is roughly 672 hours, or 28 Earth days. New Paint Job Moon Express MD.png 16 quintrigintillion Moon Express profit x3 Conversation Bots Oxygen Bar MD.png 32 quintrigintillion Oxygen Bar profit x3 Totes McGoats Helium-3 Farm MD.png 64 quintrigintillion Helium-3 Farm profit x3 Curd Refiners Cheese Mine MD.png 128 quintrigintillion Cheese Mine profit x3 Loompa Uniforms Amusement Park MD.png 256 quintrigintillion Amusement Park profit x3 Oopma-Loompas were workers in "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" (1964) (Book) Fashionable Chew Toys Werewolf Colony MD.png 512 quintrigintillion Werewolf Colony profit x3 Shoulder Straps Giant Laser MD.png 1 sextrigintillion Giant Laser profit x3 Elevator Music All businesses MD.png 100 sextrigintillion All profits x9 Spring-Loaded Moon Shoe MD.png 125 sextrigintillion Moon Shoe profit x2 Effective Custodians Gravity Booth MD.png 150 sextrigintillion Gravity Booth profit x2 Goatee-Installations Payday Clone MD.png 175 sextrigintillion Payday Clone profit x2 Crash Insurance Moon Express MD.png 200 sextrigintillion Moon Express profit x2 Ultimate Pingball Oxygen Bar MD.png 225 sextrigintillion Oxygen Bar profit x2 Rustic Lessons Helium-3 Farm MD.png 250 sextrigintillion Helium-3 Farm profit x2 Saltine Supplements Cheese Mine MD.png 275 sextrigintillion Cheese Mine profit x2 Unamusement Expansion Amusement Park MD.png 300 sextrigintillion Amusement Park profit x2 Tail Warmers Werewolf Colony MD.png 350 sextrigintillion Werewolf Colony profit x2 The Clap-Turner-On-er Giant Laser MD.png 400 sextrigintillion Giant Laser profit x2 Free Crepe Thursdays All businesses MD.png 500 sextrigintillion All profits x9 Rocket Boots Moon Shoe MD.png 1 septentrigintillion Moon Shoe profit x11 Causality Disruptors Gravity Booth MD.png 10 septentrigintillion Gravity Booth profit x11 Rapid Evolution Payday Clone MD.png 100 septentrigintillion Payday Clone profit x11 Teeny Tiny Aliens Moon Express MD.png 1 octotrigintillion Moon Express profit x11 Napkins Oxygen Bar MD.png 10 octotrigintillion Oxygen Bar profit x11 Beard Implants Helium-3 Farm MD.png 100 octotrigintillion Helium-3 Farm profit x11 Nose-Friendly Clothes-pegs Cheese Mine MD.png 1 novemtrigintillion Cheese Mine profit x11 Amusement Protocols Amusement Park MD.png 10 novemtrigintillion Amusement Park profit x11 Bacon Air-Infusers Werewolf Colony MD.png 100 novemtrigintillion Werewolf Colony profit x11 Out-Of-place Puppies Giant Laser MD.png 1 quadragintillion Giant Laser profit x11 The Mega Upgrade All businesses MD.png 10 quadragintillion All profits x15 Flashy Toes Moon Shoe MD.png 1 unquadragintillion Moon Shoe profit x3 Training Mode Gravity Booth MD.png 7 unquadragintillion Gravity Booth profit x3 At Home Kits Payday Clone MD.png 29 unquadragintillion Payday Clone profit x3 Extra Rockets Moon Express MD.png 66 unquadragintillion Moon Express profit x3 Fuzzy Chairs Oxygen Bar MD.png 129 unquadragintillion Oxygen Bar profit x3 Reapers Helium-3 Farm MD.png 233 unquadragintillion Helium-3 Farm profit x3 Lactose Filters Cheese Mine MD.png 555 unquadragintillion Cheese Mine profit x3 Historical Wing Amusement Park MD.png 900 unquadragintillion Amusement Park profit x3 Now Accepting Were-dogs Werewolf Colony MD.png 3 duoquadragintillion Werewolf Colony profit x3 Dance Parties Giant Laser MD.png 20 duoquadragintillion Giant Laser profit x3 Giant Domes All businesses MD.png 111 duoquadragintillion All profits x9 All businesses 1 Quattuorquadragintillion moon currency All profits x9 Blue Steel Toed Moon Shoe MD.png 1 quinquadragintillion Moon Shoe profit x3 Zoolander (2001) (Film) Trip-N-Fall Achievements Gravity Booth MD.png 2 quinquadragintillion Gravity Booth profit x3 Even More Clones Payday Clone MD.png 3 quinquadragintillion Payday Clone profit x3 Free Limbo Lessons Moon Express MD.png 4 quinquadragintillion Moon Express profit x3 Hermes, from Futurama, is a renown Limbo competitor. Exciting And New Snacks Oxygen Bar MD.png 5 quinquadragintillion Oxygen Bar profit x3 Luna Forming Helium-3 Farm MD.png 6 quinquadragintillion Helium-3 Farm profit x3 Deep Delvers Cheese Mine MD.png 7 quinquadragintillion Cheese Mine profit x3 Happy TM Amusement Park MD.png 8 quinquadragintillion Amusement Park profit x3 Sheep Clothing Werewolf Colony MD.png 9 quinquadragintillion Werewolf Colony profit x3 An idiom "A wolf in sheep's clothing" Warning Shots Giant Laser MD.png 10 quinquadragintillion Giant Laser profit x3 Thneed Sales All businesses MD.png 100 quinquadragintillion All profits x9 The Lorax by Dr. Seuss (1971) (Book) No-Knot Laces Moon Shoe MD.png 1 sexquadragintillion Moon Shoe profit x3 Booth-Shaped Booths Gravity Booth MD.png 3 sexquadragintillion Gravity Booth profit x3 Rent-a-Clones Payday Clone MD.png 7 sexquadragintillion Payday Clone profit x3 Pay Off Authorities Moon Express MD.png 25 sexquadragintillion Moon Express profit x3 EZ-Breathers Oxygen Bar MD.png 75 sexquadragintillion Oxygen Bar profit x3 Radiation-Proof Buckets Helium-3 Farm MD.png 151 sexquadragintillion Helium-3 Farm profit x3 Cheese Scientists Cheese Mine MD.png 400 sexquadragintillion Cheese Mine profit x3 Parks N Wreck Amusement Park MD.png 600 sexquadragintillion Amusement Park profit x3 Parks and Rec[reation] is a government organization that oversee public facilities.

Parks and Recreation is also a popular television show.

Ball-Throwing Robots Werewolf Colony MD.png 900 sexquadragintillion Werewolf Colony profit x3 A Guy Named Jeff Giant Laser MD.png 2 septquadragintillion Giant Laser profit x3 Jeff Hecht is an author who specializes in lasers and fiber optics. Earth-Shaped Pinatas All businesses MD.png 6 septquadragintillion All profits x9 Anti-Dust Coating Moon Shoe MD.png 19 septquadragintillion Moon Shoe profit x3 Pocket Edition Gravity Booth MD.png 66 septquadragintillion Gravity Booth profit x3 Fantastic Bedside Manner Payday Clone MD.png 123 septquadragintillion Payday Clone profit x3 Smarter Crashes Moon Express MD.png 299 septquadragintillion Moon Express profit x3 Friendly Shores Oxygen Bar MD.png 667 septquadragintillion Oxygen Bar profit x3 Sapient Livestock Helium-3 Farm MD.png 901 septquadragintillion Helium-3 Farm profit x3 Tooth-Picks Cheese Mine MD.png 2 octoquadragintillion Cheese Mine profit x3 Curiously Friendly Staff Amusement Park MD.png 53 octoquadragintillion Amusement Park profit x3 No Brick Houses Werewolf Colony MD.png 200 octoquadragintillion Werewolf Colony profit x3 In the classic tale of the Three Little Pigs, the wolf is ultimately foiled by a brick house. Magnitude Enhancements Giant Laser MD.png 500 octoquadragintillion Giant Laser profit x3 Alimoony All businesses MD.png 1 novemquadragintillion All profits x9 Scratch Proofing Moon Shoe MD.png 1 unquinquagintillion Moon Shoe profit x3 Attractive Decals Gravity Booth MD.png 2 unquinquagintillion Gravity Booth profit x3 Bulk Discounts Payday Clone MD.png 4 unquinquagintillion Payday Clone profit x3 More Sass Moon Express MD.png 8 unquinquagintillion Moon Express profit x3 Romantic Course Set Oxygen Bar MD.png 16 unquinquagintillion Oxygen Bar profit x3 Manure Containment Field Helium-3 Farm MD.png 32 unquinquagintillion Helium-3 Farm profit x3 Garnish Cheese Mine MD.png 64 unquinquagintillion Cheese Mine profit x3 Wiley Villains Amusement Park MD.png 128 unquinquagintillion Amusement Park profit x3 Foxes Welcome Werewolf Colony MD.png 256 unquinquagintillion Werewolf Colony profit x3 Probably a reference to the film The Fox and the Hound (1981) Evil Injections Giant Laser MD.png 512 unquinquagintillion Giant Laser profit x3 Mandated Siestas All businesses MD.png 1 duoquinquagintillion All profits x9 Earth Scented Moon Shoe MD.png 2 trequinquagintillion Moon Shoe profit x5 Gold Memberships Gravity Booth MD.png 5 trequinquagintillion Gravity Booth profit x5 Low Interest Financing Payday Clone MD.png 11 trequinquagintillion Payday Clone profit x5 Sports Physicists Moon Express MD.png 23 trequinquagintillion Moon Express profit x5 Amy from Futurama Low-grav Peanuts Oxygen Bar MD.png 47 trequinquagintillion Oxygen Bar profit x5 Novelty Weathervane Helium-3 Farm MD.png 95 trequinquagintillion Helium-3 Farm profit x5 Little Tomatoes Cheese Mine MD.png 191 trequinquagintillion Cheese Mine profit x5 Overnight Accomodations Amusement Park MD.png 383 trequinquagintillion Amusement Park profit x5 Fur-Free Beaches Werewolf Colony MD.png 767 trequinquagintillion Werewolf Colony profit x5 Number 2 Giant Laser MD.png 5 quattuorquinquagintillion Giant Laser profit x5 The character Number 2 in the Austin Powers films. Lunatics Anonymous All businesses MD.png 125 quattuorquinquagintillion All profits x9 All businesses 1 Quinquinquagintillion moon currency All profits x9 Shoe-Horns Moon Shoe MD.png 1 sexquinquagintillion Moon Shoe profit x3 Low Carb Gravity Gravity Booth MD.png 14 sexquinquagintillion Gravity Booth profit x3 Protocol 67 Payday Clone MD.png 114 sexquinquagintillion Payday Clone profit x3 In Star Wars, Clone Protocol 66 was a directive to clone troopers to exterminate the Jedi. Philosphical Burritos Moon Express MD.png 234 sexquinquagintillion Moon Express profit x3 Possibly a reference to xkcd comic #1269 Gluten Free O2 Oxygen Bar MD.png 444 sexquinquagintillion Oxygen Bar profit x3 Trusty Wheelbarrows Helium-3 Farm MD.png 888 sexquinquagintillion Helium-3 Farm profit x3 Cubed Meat Cheese Mine MD.png 23 septquinquagintillion Cheese Mine profit x3 Seriously Catchy Music Amusement Park MD.png 99 septquinquagintillion Amusement Park profit x3 Riding Hood-Free Zone Werewolf Colony MD.png 423 septquinquagintillion Werewolf Colony profit x3 The classic tale of Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf. Epic Sound Effects Giant Laser MD.png 567 septquinquagintillion Giant Laser profit x3 Celestial Body All businesses MD.png 899 septquinquagintillion All profits x9 Lil' Booties Moon Shoe MD.png 1 novemquinquagintillion Moon Shoe profit x3 Digital Booths Gravity Booth MD.png 3 novemquinquagintillion Gravity Booth profit x3 Water-Resistant Payday Clone MD.png 9 novemquinquagintillion Payday Clone profit x3 Seasonal Renewal Moon Express MD.png 27 novemquinquagintillion Moon Express profit x3 Darts Oxygen Bar MD.png 81 novemquinquagintillion Oxygen Bar profit x3 Space Hamsters Helium-3 Farm MD.png 234 novemquinquagintillion Helium-3 Farm profit x3 Balrogg-Free Installations Cheese Mine MD.png 356 novemquinquagintillion Cheese Mine profit x3 In Lord of the Rings, the Balrogg lived deep within the Mines of Moria Actual Space Mnt. Amusement Park MD.png 432 novemquinquagintillion Amusement Park profit x3 Space Mountain is a ride at Disneyland Blue Moon Steaks Werewolf Colony MD.png 567 novemquinquagintillion Werewolf Colony profit x3 Earth Homing System Giant Laser MD.png 836 novemquinquagintillion Giant Laser profit x3 Cookies All businesses MD.png 1 sexagintillion All profits x9 Grants Wishes Moon Shoe MD.png 10 unsexagintillion Moon Shoe profit x15 Wizard of Oz (1939), Dorothy is granted a wish by tapping her shoes together. Cleans Your Teeth Gravity Booth MD.png 100 unsexagintillion Gravity Booth profit x15 Do Your Taxes Payday Clone MD.png 1 duosexagintillion Payday Clone profit x15 OP Deliveries Moon Express MD.png 10 duosexagintillion Moon Express profit x15 Popular meme that the Original Poster (OP) of a thread never follows through (delivers) on promises. Self-Breathing Air Oxygen Bar MD.png 100 duosexagintillion Oxygen Bar profit x15 Ambition Crops Helium-3 Farm MD.png 1 tresexagintillion Helium-3 Farm profit x15 The Cheese Stands Alone Cheese Mine MD.png 10 tresexagintillion Cheese Mine profit x15 Cryo-Frozen Host Amusement Park MD.png 100 tresexagintillion Amusement Park profit x15 Urban legend that Walt Disney was cryogenically frozen. Romantic Subplot Werewolf Colony MD.png 1 quattuorsexagintillion Werewolf Colony profit x15 Big Red Button Giant Laser MD.png 10 quattuorsexagintillion Giant Laser profit x15 The Very Large Upgrade All businesses MD.png 100 quattuorsexagintillion All profits x999
